Alcotec Whisky Turbo Yeast With Glucoamylase
For Whisky distillers
Alcotec Whisky Turbo Yeast is a member of the new Alcotec "distillers strain" range and contains a GA (glucoamylase) enzyme which breaks down dextrins, a by product created when you use grains or molasses in your recipe. The yeast strain itself is particularly well suited for retaining some of the flavours that create a good Whisky. For pure grain based recipes, you need to pre-treat the wash with another enzyme to break down starch into fermentable sugars. The high temperature Alcotec α-Amylase Enzyme is perfect for this. Alcotec Whisky Turbo comes in 73g sachets (108g for Australia/NZ) and in 25kg sacks for the alcohol industry.
We are wholesale agents in Ireland for all Alcotec and DoubleSnake homebrew products.
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Turbo Drode Alcotec Whisky
Zawiera enzym glukoamylazy w celu rozbicia dekstryn z ekstraktu sodowego. Jeli przerobiony enzymem glukoamylazy moe by take uyty z ziarnami.
Alcotec Whisky Turbo
Avsedd fr jsningar med maltextrakt eller baserade p melass. Jstsorten r speciellt utvald fr sin frmga att framhva typisk Whisky-karaktr och r en av de mest anvnda jsterna i Whisky-industrin. Nringen r baserad p Alcotec's unika teknik som medger fullstndig utjsning ven i en msk med lgt eller inget nringsinnehll. Vi har ven tillsatt ett hgaktivt glucoamylas-enzym fr att bryta ner dextriner frn rvaran. Fr recept med malt behver man frbehandla malten under hg vrme med ytterligare ett enzym, Alcotec Alpha Amylas Enzym r perfekt fr detta. Det r fr att bryta ner strkelse som kommer frn malten. Alcotec Whisky Turbo kommer i 73g pse som rcker till 25L eller i 25kg sck fr alkoholindustrin.