Australian Blend 7 Day New World Style Wine Kits 30 Bottle
Home brew winemaking that creates a great wine in only a week. No added sugar required.
The Australian Blend wine kit range uses high quality varietal grape concentrates to create a new world style wine with a minimum of effort in a few days. Some Australian Blends homebrew kits come with a special wood chip mix that noticeably improves the flavour of the wine kit.
Using modern yeast technology, homebrew wine can now be fermented very quickly while still maintaining the characteristics of the grape.
You don't need to be an experienced winemaker: simply follow the instructions and mix the ingredients, then sit back and wait a week and you have 23 litres of perfect new world wine!
Our customers are saying that the Pinot Grigio in this range is superb. It is by far the most popular homebrew wine kit in Ireland.