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Food & Drink

NMN supplements

We  get our NMN from the same supplier to expert David Sinclair’s team at Harvard University. Our products ship from the EU (Galway, Ireland). Best quality: you'll know as soon as you try them. See certificates of analysis in the main sections.

NMN supplements can not be sold legally in the EU since NMN is not yet approved as a supplement here. Genuine European NMN suppliers must sell NMN as a chemical. There are many fake suppliers. See our FAQ section for more details. 

One of the best sources for NMN supplement information is David Sinclair's book: "Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To". Check out his Lifespan pod cast too; here is one of the best episodes: "NMN, NR, Resveratrol, Met & Other Longevity Molecules | Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair"; Google it. All episodes are fascinating. 

If you've been using other NMN which can be a bit cheaper, you'll probably notice a substantial difference in quality when you try ours. LifePowders NMN is manufactured using a fully enzymatic catalytic method. Less solvents and impurities etc. 

Resveratrol supplements

Typically 99% pure or higher, we get our resveratrol from a European manufacturer of top quality fermented resveratrol. This is the best quality resveratrol we have been able to source worldwide. Our resveratrol is approved in the EU as a supplement (up to 500 mg per day).

Much resveratrol sold worldwide comes from China and is produced from Japanese Knotweed, leading to a high possibility of PAH contamination (PAHs have been shown to be carcinogenic). It's very expensive to test for these contaminants so it makes sense to use another process to produce resveratrol; one that complies with European regulations.