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The iBrew Tap-A-Draft system is a wonderful alternative to conventional 40 pint kegs and has many advantages.

The Rotokeg has a 4" neck which means you can get your hand into the keg to make cleaning easy. Its a great keg with a 48 pint capacity and works with both 8 gram cartridges and S30 canisters. It has a separate pressure release valve, and is proven. It has a float system which enables only the best beer to be drawn from the top. Also, you can still draw beer even if it hasn't fully cleared. The tap is near the top of the barrel so that there is plenty of room to place a glass under the tap. A drip tray is also available.

The King Keg 5 Gal Top Tap Barrel also has a 4" neck and a float system which enables beer to be drawn from the top.

The cheaper 2" neck kegs work well too, but can be harder to clean and maintain

We have tested the 8grm CO2 system and found that the secondary fermentation produced sufficient CO2 to enable us to drink about 60% of the beer without using a gas cartridge. An 8grm CO2 cartridge was then used to enable us to drink most of the rest of it, and a second one was used to maintain a well gassed beer right to the end of the keg.