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Shop online. Closed to public. Click and Collect Mon to Fri 11AM to 4PM for prepaid orders. Call in advance.


Free Delivery On Orders Over £30
Ireland's Largest Supplier
For Wholesale & Home Brew
€6.95 Delivery Rate on all Orders
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085 889 5488 | ​+353 85 889 5488


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Home Brew West are official wholesale agents in Ireland for dozens of brands including Coopers, Hambleton Bard, The Craft Range, Senson, Finlandia, Brouwland, Speidel, Brupaks, Kilner, Rayware, Enolandia and many others.

We can now get products to you at better prices than you can get by going directly to home brew wholesalers in the UK. And if you are a retailer, you don't have to order pallets at a time: we ship smaller orders by courier.

If you are thinking of making space available in your store for homebrew products, now is the time to talk to us. Or if you are already ordering from the UK, you will be stunned by the pricing we can offer you. And also the vast range of products. For smaller stores, we  can effectively eliminate your shipping costs, increasing your margins significantly. For larger operators, we can offer several thousands of products, faster turnaround, and better service.

We have retail packs containing complete solutions for the most popular home brew beers and wines, including POS materials.

Just email us at:

for planograms, terms, and discounts.

Or go to to see how it can work in your store.

We also supply own brand beer and wine kits, and own brand turbo yeasts. So, if you want to develop your own product brands, please get in touch.