Wine Yeasts, Nutrients
BullDog Professional Wine Yeasts 10 to 28 grams
Puriferm Wine/Cider/Fruit Yeasts 10 Grams Best Value
Hambleton Bard, Youngs, Harris And Other Wine Yeasts
Lalvin Wine Yeasts
Gervin Yeasts For Wine
Bioferm Professional Wine Yeasts
Kitzinger And Red Star Wine Yeasts
Sake Cultures, Malolactic Fermentation Cultures
Yeast Nutrients
Mangrove Jacks Wine Yeasts
Please note that beer yeasts have been moved to: Beer Yeasts, Nutrients and cider yeasts moved to: Cider Yeasts.
A massive range of wine yeasts and nutrients. Also sake cultures. Lalvin yeasts are used extensively in wineries and also in the top end wine kits, particularly the Lalvin Champange (EC-1118) yeast..
Hambleton Bard yeasts and nutrients are used extesively by country wine makers (elderflower, blueberry, nettle wines etc), particularly the Wine Yeast/Nutrient For 25 Litres Of Country Wine (HB 30020), and a complete pack of yeast, nutrient, stabilizers and even recipes can be found here: Better Brew Hedgerow Wine Kit 23L.
Vintner’s Harvest offer a complete range of wine making yeasts. For winemakers whether you make wine from grapes, or country wines from blueberries, blackberrues, elderflowers, nettles, or even vegetable wines.
However, the new kids on the block are BullDog Professional Yeasts. Another first for homebrew in Ireland, these really are top quality yeasts. The range will be extended over the coming months. These are the ones to go for if you can find a suitable strain. In addition to being the freshest strains we carry, they are superb value. Most come in 10 to 28 gram sachets (as opposed to 5 or 8 grams). This is very important since yeast viability is essential to top quality results.
A massive range of wine yeasts and nutrients. Also sake cultures. Lalvin yeasts are used extensively in wineries and also in the top end wine kits, particularly the Lalvin Champange (EC-1118) yeast..
Hambleton Bard yeasts and nutrients are used extesively by country wine makers (elderflower, blueberry, nettle wines etc), particularly the Wine Yeast/Nutrient For 25 Litres Of Country Wine (HB 30020), and a complete pack of yeast, nutrient, stabilizers and even recipes can be found here: Better Brew Hedgerow Wine Kit 23L.
Vintner’s Harvest offer a complete range of wine making yeasts. For winemakers whether you make wine from grapes, or country wines from blueberries, blackberrues, elderflowers, nettles, or even vegetable wines.
However, the new kids on the block are BullDog Professional Yeasts. Another first for homebrew in Ireland, these really are top quality yeasts. The range will be extended over the coming months. These are the ones to go for if you can find a suitable strain. In addition to being the freshest strains we carry, they are superb value. Most come in 10 to 28 gram sachets (as opposed to 5 or 8 grams). This is very important since yeast viability is essential to top quality results.